A home for a family, and loads of friends, on a central Maine lake.
When a Boston-area family with roots in the Belgrade Lakes region drives to their summer home there, friends tend to pile in. Recently the homeowners rented a second Suburban to shuttle their middleschool-age daughter and six of her classmates; last year their eldest teenage daughter and her pals traveled in a rented 15-passenger van. The high-schoolers spent the weekend swimming, waterskiing, tubing, toasting marshmallows, and talking into the night. On Sunday they woke at 5 a.m. to watch the sun rise over the darkened shoreline, a scene the owners might have chalked up to a dream had they not caught it on camera: nine girls in Adirondack chairs on the dock and a few more in a dinghy offshore, silhouetted against a masterpiece of pastel shading. Read the full article here.